Considering a career in government? Start here with a collection of resources and recommended links!
Faculty & Staff Resources
VMock is your 24/7 virtual career assistant that utilizes technologies like artificial intelligence to provide instant personalized feedback on your …
Find the Career Center’s digital resources for job search, resume writing, interview practice, appointments, and more all in one place …
Need help choosing a major? Use this tool that our counselors utilize to assist students in making this important decision!
Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that range from 5 to 40 hours of work in total, can occur anytime …
Looking to pursue your education further? Check out the next steps!
Check out the upcoming Career Fairs, Information Sessions, and On Campus Interviews!
Practice your networking skills with these tips!
A great tool for exploring majors and connecting majors to careers! The site provides information about typical career areas and …